Make Meaning. Drive Action. Find Purpose.

Find your compass. Create a roadmap to purposeful change.

Investing in professional growth is crucial for ensuring enriching, supportive, and transformative employee experiences for all members of an organization or community.

What we do

Map Your Ed is a comprehensive coaching and strategic advisory consulting group supporting individuals and organizations to create meaningful, actionable, and purposeful change within their places of work. We do this through building employee experiences, enhancing leadership skills, and providing evidence-based mentoring and development programs.

Make meaning.

Equitable access to knowledge: Ensuring that employees have access to the information, resources, and tools they need to thrive in today’s diverse educational landscape.

Drive action.

Leadership coaching: Offering personalized coaching for individuals who want to develop, enhance, or increase impact to support employee experiences and career opportunity and growth.

Find purpose.

Systems-wide support: Working closely with teams, boards, schools, districts and organizations to create employee experiences that are tailored and mutually beneficial to build sustainable, inclusive, and meaningful workplaces across the education and private sector.

How we work

You have agency.

Trends and tools may shift over time, but the foundational principles of building relationships, critical thinking, and effective organizational management remain timeless.

We spread out & scale up.

We optimize performance by breaking through the boundaries of policy, research, and practice to replicate strategies and tackle structural and institutional barriers to support innovative change.

Together, we use knowledge as fuel.

We develop grounding practices that deconstruct and reconstruct leadership approaches systems. Through knowledge, we help people be together in this world.

Follow your compass.